Sunday, 5 September 2010

Week One (29th Aug – 4th Sept.)

Stats :
Days Cycled to work : 4 days (Monday Bank Holiday)
BMF classes : 2 out of 3
Sponsorship : £520.

So not sure why this counts as week one, but it seems as good a place to start as anywhere.

I have found a new place to have breakfast on Sundays, I have decided that I have to work for my fry up (although they do call it a ‘Rowers breakfast’, which makes me feel better, rather than ‘Fat Boy Fry up’). I decided on Sunday to ride out to Kingston as it is quite nice by the river. However, on the way I found out there is a big hill by Wandsworth so decided to take a slight detour and ended up in Putney, a 26 mile round trip.

I also tried out one of Boris New Cycling superhighways in London, on Saturday, and jumped on near Limehouse and then went out towards Barking. It was only when I was half-way there, cycling through council estates and abandoned business parks, that I started to question why on earth anyone would actually want to go to Barking in the first place??? – Why not make them go to nice places? Also mental note that if I am going to do it at night, then in addition to lights, I would also need a can of Mace.

I also attended two BMF courses, Weds evening and Saturday morning, missing Monday night, as decided to go for a couple of beers instead, well it was a bank holiday. Despite nearly blacking out half way through on Weds, I was actually able to walk on Thursday, without having to make pain noises every step (a regular cause of amusement in the office). Thanks largely to rediscovering the benefits of deepheat, although the flat now smells like some kind of 1950s a hospital ward, well obviously I have never been to a 1950s hospital ward, but I have a picture in my head.
This week I also sorted out my sponsorship page, this blog and sending out a few emails asking people for ideas for sponsorship events to help raise money. As always, I am amazed by people generosity, in that I raised just over £500 in 24 hours, so a big thank-you to everyone who took time to sponsor me, I really do not expect anyone to, so it is always very nice when people do.

I do like reading people comments; Yes Jo I can now ride without stabilisers and in return for your sarcasm I am going to try and blag a free nights board, when I get to the stage I can cycle home and then back to London the next day (provided do not hit any hills on the way). Don’t worry it is not going to be anytime soon.
A lot of people have also sent positive comments through email, which are nice. I am not sure it counts as a positive comments, but thanks Simon for sending through the link through to the Mexican Killing Fields article outlining the status of the latest drug wars in Mexico, for those interested Mum please do not read.

Also one of the things I am planning to do to raise money is scrounge free stuff and then auction it off. So to this end I popped out a quick email to Stephen Fry and Lance Armstrong (I know interesting combination) asking them to donate signed copies of the books. I do not hold out much expectation as I am sure they get hundreds of requests. However, they both seem like nice people so you never know.

Right enough for this week, I have just signed up for SkyBike tour, where they have closed off half of central London for people to mess around on bikes – also free stuff !!! so am off there.

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